
    11 November 2010

    Well Hot Damn...

    I was surprised the other day. After waking up and lying in bed for the best part of an hour doing little more than scratching my face with something that felt like a dead badger's tit, I decided it was probably time to rise and breakfast myself. Upon arriving in my kitchen, I opened one of the many fridges to be greeted* by two medallions of charmingly cheap bacon, and single egg, some beans and two slices of bread. Perhaps they weren't all in there and perhaps there were more than I said, but it's far more original to describe your whole meal inside a fridge door than simply listing them as a table of contents. Anyway, I collected said ingredients and made my way over to the frying pan.

    Long story short, I cooked the foodstuffs and sat down to eat my meal. It was only when I looked up at the clock and saw the time that I really surprised myself. It had taken me ten minutes to prepare a 'full' English breakfast. Now many of you will be thinking that this isn't a particularly impressive feat, and if I was pushed I could probably reduce the time by a good few minutes. The thing that made this all so strange was that I usually take a very long time to cook. It's not because I'm rubbish, I just like to take my time over things, cooking's a relaxing activity for me.

    This got me thinking... What other things could you do in just ten minutes?

    Now here's a shocker, I'm NOT going to list a load of obscure and ridiculous activities involving woodland creatures. Crumbs no, I'm going o get you to do that for me, and as a special treat, I'll attempt to perform the one I consider the most intriguing, challenging or indeed outrageous idea.

    So, post your ideas underneath in the comments section, post them on the Facebook page, or email me.

    *Food should never actually speak to you. If this happens to you, you might need a cold bath and a slap