
    12 November 2010

    If These Were Little Chickens...

    The worst Del Boy puns are always the best. The more observant of you may have realised that there is a new addition to the blog. Twitter has now been fully and successfully integrated, allowing for those of you with more time than sense to check up on the latest that is happening in my world. This 'microblogging' will be a more personal insight into my life, allowing stalkers to track my every move and sorrowful mishap. Bear in mind that I am restricted on how many characters are in each tweet, so don't expect a flood of detail if something terrible happens. I'm not one for bad news, and if it's good news I'll probably post a full entry on here.

    Anyway, have a look if you're even mildly interested. Or don't, but you'll make me cry. Maybe that's what you want*. You can find a little tab to the left of the page saying 'Follow Me'. Click that and it'll take you straight to my Twitter page. Not only that, but if you look at the top of the page, you'll see a short little snippet that is in fact my latest tweet. Shiny, eh?

    That's all really, keep telling your little chummies about me, and if you happen to be of the chartable type, search 'surface of the sun' in Google, go on to the second page and click the entry that will link to this blog. If you do this, it will improve the standing of the blog and push it further up on the list. Not to mention I'll love you forever.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wait ten hours in the Treasury on Fable III in order to accumulate enough cash from my real estate to keep the citizens of Albion alive.

    In the words of Reaver:
