
    8 December 2010

    You are the Elephant-Balloon Guys

    First, apologies. It appears that due to my personal and educational life muddling up my mind, I have been lacking in supporting my lackies. You lot. Rest assured, I have not yet vanished, you need not despair. All I will say is that the ten minute challenge* has still not been completed as I promised, but I will get around to it eventually.

    So what delights do I have for you today? It's simple really.


    I know, I know, it's out there and it's far removed from my usual topics consisting of toast, tales and ridiculous lists, but bear with me, for I am about to delve into the unknown depths of my own personal life...

    So relationships have always been something that I have relied on. Don't get me wrong, if I'm single I don't suddenly collapse inwards on myself and reduce to the size of a small garden pea, but it's not far from it. I love love. Love is one of those things that can keep you going through anything and everything, and one of those things that can shatter them as well. I can put my hand on my heart (no pun intended) and say that every relationship I have been in has ended up with one or both parties feeling like their innards are curdling, even if it's only for an hour or two, but the fact remains nonetheless, and this raises a question...

    Why do we do it? Why do we love when it leads to heartbreak? For that, I don't have a conclusive answer, and I scoff at the idea that there is one. I was recently parted with someone, and it's because of them I suppose that I'm writing this more personal entry. Initially, I was absolutely mortified, and it still hurts now. But do you know what has made this so much easier? The fact that they haven't given up on me yet. We're not intimate any more of course, and there's no denying my love for them, but the fact that they still treat me as they always did gives me a great boost of confidence about the human race.

    So many people part sourly, which is such a shame, because when you've been that close to someone, to be completely cut off is so much harder than still having contact. If you've got balls big enough and you're prepared to swallow your pride a little, things go rather swimmingly.

    I'm not going to give myself false hope in that things may mend themselves between the two of us, and I'm not going to bombard everyone with clichéd tales of revelation and enlightenment. All I'm going to say is that if you can't work with the relationship, work with the friendship.

    A little of something good is always better than nothing.

    *Or given its new title: Duke Nukem Forever