Winter is a wonderful for so many reasons. For example, you can control your body temperature more easily (it's much easier to warm up than to cool down), you get a wonderful mix of dazzling winter sunshine and chilling December nights, and the colder weather means it's legal to press your face into a girl's chest in order to conserve warmth.*
Summer is also the time when you don't need any extra hair keeping your chin toasty, so shaving becomes paramount. I used to be able to get away with not shaving, mainly because my facial hair was so blonde it was practically invisible, meaning nobody could tell if I'd shaved last night or last month. Thing is, my body has decided to rebel against my laziness and has decided that this century's fashion is now deep brown, meaning that should a day or two elapse when a razor has not touched my skin, it looks like somebody's sneezed pepper all over my chin. Admittedly the spread isn't complete, but that if anything is worse, I just have patches of brown on my face and neck, which brings me onto my next point... Why on Earth does facial hair grow on your neck? The whole idea of keeping your neck warm is redundant! We have scarves for that! Mother Nature is really taking the piss with this one.
I imagine a lot of you women out there are thinking 'Well it's just as bad for us, we've got legs, armpits (or underarms if you're a pretentious deodorant advert), gussets etc.'. You're right, social pressure requires that you keep your body relatively hair-free, but what happens if you cut yourself when shaving? You wear [insert feminine clothing] to cover it up, and the only people who will notice otherwise will be people far too interested in your nether regions to give a damn about a small scab. Now think about us lads. If we cut ourselves shaving, we have to wander around for the best part of a week looking like we've had a fight with a cheese grater. And do you know the worst part? As soon as you need to shave again, you cut the wound open accidentally and the whole process begins again.
Mindless rambling aside, I would like to draw your attention to a few blogs belonging to close friends of mine, as they fail to receive the attention they deserve.
*European Act of Bosom Responsibilities 1997