
    16 August 2010

    It's Been A While

    Well, I haven't posted on here for a good long time, have I? I'll admit it's mainly due to the fact that I never found an easy moment to update, I've been up to my neck in Mass Effect and don't even get me started on the pub.

    Anyway, lots has happened since I last saw you (using 'saw' in its broadest sense), I've rediscovered poetry, I've rehearsed a traditional Filipino coming of age celebration (i.e. birthday), and I've realised that margaritas really are not a good idea after several bottles of lager and half a bottle of wine.

    Yes, I've grown a little wiser, and in some ways, a little sadder. Still bereft of female partnership of the squelchy kind, I am realising the magnitude of the task before me. I have to charm a girl into my pants, and then manage to keep her there after she realises that I'm not the duke of Kidderminster. Woe betide her. Still, the way I see it, if there isn't a girl I'm willing to go out of my way to ask out, then I probably don't like her enough to make something of us anyway!*

    So, another year of college ahead, fifteen hours of English a week and one hour of journalism, not to mention winter's just around the corner. A cocktail that would make most grown men cry, but I'm not like most people.

    I'm going to bloody love it!

    *Chipper optimism specifically designed to irritate the pessimists out there