
    24 June 2010

    Captain's Blog, Stardate 24/6/10

    Well, exams are over, and it's time to give myself a project to keep my from going out of my tiny little mind for the summer, so I've decided to start a blog. That's right boys and girls, I'm writing a blog about my daily happenings. Don't think it'll be updated daily though, ooh crumbs no.

    You're probably wondering why this blog is called 'The Surface Of The Sun', well, that's simple really. Even more so if you've seen the film Sunshine. If you're still pondering, have a look at this quickly. It's a score from the film itself, and I simply fell in love with it and decided to name my blog after it.

    On a more related note, I'm off to Brecon tomorrow (that's in Wales (that's in Britain)), I reckon it's going to be faaaaantastic! Plenty of time to relax with the family (and for some unknown reason, Si's friend...) and embrace the country air. With any luck, I'll also be able to get some writing done on my book. Who knows, if I really like it, I might send it into a publisher! It's a British gangster novel set in London (as they all are), and it's about a bloke who gets caught up in all this gangster business when he's simply trying to earn his way out of his sister's house and into a better life. Great amounts of tomfoolery to be had, with one scene where an Irishman, an Englishman AND a Scotsman all walk into a pub. My originality knows no bounds!

    Anyway, this is about right for an opening post, so I'll leave you charming, sexy people to it!